Ernest Burkhart Wikipedia, Wiki, Children, Age, Wife

Ernest Burkhart Wikipedia, Wiki, Children, Age, Wife

Ernest Burkhart Wikipedia, Wiki, Children, Age, Wife -: Ernest Burkhart is a name that might not be widely known, but his life story is a fascinating and tragic one. Born in 1892, he lived through a tumultuous period in American history, marked by violence and greed. In this article, we’ll explore the life of Ernest Burkhart, touching on key aspects such as his personal life, age, children, and his relationship with his wife.

Ernest Burkhart Wikipedia, Wiki, Children, Age, Wife
Ernest Burkhart Wikipedia, Wiki, Children, Age, Wife

Ernest Burkhart Bio

Full NameErnest Burkhart
Date of Birth1892
Date of Death1986
Age at Death94
EthnicityOsage Native American
Family– Father: William Burkhart (White rancher)
– Mother: Lizzie Burkhart (Full-blooded Osage)
– Siblings: Byron, Roy, Anna, Reta, Lizzie
– Wife: Mollie Kyle (Full-blooded Osage)
– Children: Cowboy (son), Margie (daughter)

Ernest Burkhart Early Life and Background

Ernest Burkhart was a member of the Osage Nation, a Native American tribe, and he was born into one of the wealthiest Osage families in Oklahoma during the early 20th century. His family’s wealth came from oil rights, and this fortune would play a significant role in shaping the course of his life.

His family was a blend of cultures. His father, William Burkhart, was a white rancher, and his mother, Lizzie Burkhart, was a full-blooded Osage. This mix of backgrounds would later become a source of both strength and tension in his life.

Ernest Burkhart Family and Children

Ernest Burkhart had several siblings, including brothers Byron and Roy, and sisters Anna, Reta, and Lizzie. In 1917, he married Mollie Kyle, a full-blooded Osage woman. Together, they had two children, a son named Cowboy and a daughter named Margie.

However, the story of his family is far from a conventional and happy one. His involvement in the infamous Osage Indian murders strained his relationships with his siblings and wife. The murders were a horrific series of crimes orchestrated by a white rancher named William Hale and his associates. These criminals killed dozens of Osage people, including some of Burkhart’s own family members, all to steal their valuable oil rights.

Mollie, Ernest’s wife, eventually divorced him when she discovered his role in the murders, especially in the death of her sisters. The trauma caused by these events deeply affected their family, particularly their children. Cowboy witnessed the murder of his mother’s sister, Anna, as a child, and Margie grew up knowing the truth about her father’s crimes.

Ernest’s attempts to reconnect with his family after his release from prison were met with resentment and resistance. It’s a poignant reminder of how the consequences of one’s actions can reverberate through generations.

Ernest Burkhart Age and Life Journey

Ernest Burkhart lived for 94 years, passing away in 1986. His life journey was one filled with complex and often contradictory experiences. He was born into wealth, but his family was targeted for their valuable oil rights. The ensuing violence and greed would come to define much of his life.

His intelligence and charisma were balanced by deep flaws, including a susceptibility to manipulation. His uncle, William Hale, was the mastermind behind the Osage Indian murders, and Ernest became an unwitting accomplice. The murders led to his conviction for the murder of his sister-in-law, Anna Brown, and he was sentenced to life in prison. However, he was paroled after only 11 years.

In 1941, Burkhart’s life took another dark turn when he was convicted of robbing his former sister-in-law, Lillie Morrell Burkhart. This time, he was sentenced to seven years in prison, and his parole was revoked.

Ernest Burkhart Wife and Relationships

Ernest Burkhart’s relationship with his wife, Mollie Kyle, was deeply affected by his involvement in the Osage Indian murders. The discovery of his role in the murders led to their divorce, and it strained his relationships with his children. This painful chapter in their lives would shape their family dynamics for years to come.

After his release from prison in 1946, Burkhart tried to reconnect with his family, but it was far from a warm and welcoming reunion. The resentment and resistance he encountered highlighted the lasting impact of his involvement in the murders.

Ernest Burkhart Legacy and Lessons

Ernest Burkhart’s legacy is a complex one. He is remembered as a murderer and a con man, but he is also seen as a victim of his own circumstances. His life is a stark reminder of the fragile nature of human behavior. Even individuals who possess intelligence and charisma can be swayed by greed and violence.

Furthermore, the story of Ernest Burkhart underscores the importance of justice and accountability. Even those who commit the most heinous crimes must be held responsible for their actions.

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In conclusion, the life of Ernest Burkhart is a tragic and compelling tale of a man caught in a web of violence, greed, and manipulation. His journey serves as a reminder of the lasting consequences of our actions and the need for justice in the face of the darkest deeds.


Why was Ernest Burkhart Pardoned?

Ernest Burkhart was pardoned because he had been serving a life sentence for his involvement in the Osage Indian murders, particularly for the murder of his sister-in-law, Anna Brown. He was later paroled after serving 11 years in prison. However, his parole was later revoked when he was convicted of robbing his former sister-in-law, Lillie Morrell Burkhart, in 1941.

Who Pardoned Ernest Burkhart?

Ernest Burkhart, pictured, accepted a plea deal for the murder of his brother-in-law, Rita’s husband William E. Smith. He received a life sentence before being paroled in 1947 and was eventually pardoned by Oklahoma Gov. Henry Bellmon in 1965.

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